We are excited to announce that Brinx.TV is now the official free-to-play broadcast platform for the World Downhill Skateboarding Championships (WDSC). Brinx.TV will broadcast all WDSC events live, during which viewers can bet on all the action in real time. Races will subsequently be incorporated into “The Kingdum,” Brinx.TV’s ongoing, and fully bettable, exploration of the best sports and weirdest clips from around internet.

The first race in the international series will be broadcast live from Turkey on June 8th and 9th. Subsequent events this year will be held in Wales, Tennessee, and more.

“When I first saw the incredible footage from one of their races, I knew immediately that we had to bring the WDSC into our ecosystem,” says John Brenkus, founder of Brinx.TV. “They’re a perfect fit for our overall strategy of partnering with the coolest action and fringe sports on the planet.”

And like all of the other entities Brinx.TV partners with, like the Pro League Network (Carjitsu, Slapfighting, World Putting League), World Chase Tag, and the AFFL, the WDSC gets more than just a broadcast platform. They have access to the Brinx Agency, a one-stop-shop media agency that can create, produce, and deliver content ranging from social media campaigns to long-form docuseries.

“I get approached daily by FAST (free ad-supported television) channels,” says Selim Kemahli, the promoter of WDSC, “and they’re all pretty much the same. But when the Brinx.TV team reached out, I got excited, because what they’re doing is very different, and quite unique. For a growing sport like ours, they offer amazing opportunities, not just from the distribution side, but also from the promotion and sponsorship sides of the equation.”

Jason Mergott, Brinx.TV’s Chief Content Officer, who initiated the partnership, loves everything about WDSC. “It’s one of the fastest growing action sports on the planet. Breathtaking destinations, bettable action, and the possibility for spectacular wipeouts. Now that I think about it, that also happens to be a good description of Brinx.TV.”